قیمت لحظه ای پاور لجر + نمودار قیمت POWR 🖥️ اردیبهشت ۱۴۰۳

رتبه: 363
$ 0.294882
18,739 تومان
ارزش کل بازار
$ 151,648,394
حجم معاملات 24 ساعته
$ 5,227,984
عرضه در گردش
514,809,970 POWR
عرضه کل
999,506,123 POWR

نوسانات و اطلاعات قیمت پاور لجر

هر واحد پاور لجر (POWR) در این لحظه با قیمت 0.294803 $، معادل 18,739 تومان معامله می‌شود. در حال حاضر ارزش کل بازار ارز دیجیتال پاور لجر، معادل $ 151,648,394 است. حجم معاملات 24 ساعت اخیر این ارز دیجیتال نیز $ 5,227,984 بوده است. همچنین باتوجه به نوسانات این رمزارز در 24 ساعت گذشته، قیمت این ارز نسبت به روز گذشته 2.05% افزایش یافته است.
بسیاری از تحلیلگران و متخصصین فعال در بازارهای مالی بر این باورند که می‌توان از اطلاعات گذشتۀ قیمت پاور لجر یا هر دارایی دیگری برای پیش بینی آینده قیمتی آن استفاده نمود.
برای استفاده از اطلاعات گذشته قیمتی این رمزارز می‌توانید از نمودار موجود در این صفحه استفاده نمایید.

درباره پاور لجر

Power Ledger (POWR) is a utility token on the Power Ledger Platform. The token will be used to purchase electricity tokens on the Power Ledger platform. This is a platform that seeks to bring about a blockchain energy solution to the people all over the world. It seeks to give individuals and companies access to low cost, reliable and clean energy. It will operate on a dual token ecosystem with POWR and Sparkz blockchain layers. Using POWR and Sparkz tokens, the energy trading platform will low homes and corporations that produce excess energy to redistribute their surplus energy to other areas for some price. It seeks to enable efficient and clean energy use around the world by co-locating energy from one point to another. Clients will be allowed to convert their POWR tokens into Sparkz tokens which they will use to purchase energy from the platform. The process will be automated, transparent and very easy to understand. According to the proponents of this network, a lot of energy goes to waste going through the traditional grid. It is this energy that they want to redistribute properly enabling investors and individuals to earn from their excess production and consumers to get cheap energy on the other hand. Sharing according to the developers reduces the cost of energy production and minimizes waste. Solar panel owners will be in a position to sell off their excess energy production to individuals close to them. The platform wants to use grade meters that meet international standards and are tamper resistant to provide the most efficient services. All of these services are to be transacted using POWR and the Sparkz tokens. The project is being led by a team of able individuals who include chair and co-founder Dr. Jemma Green, co-founder and managing director David Martin, co-founder and technical director John Bulich, global ambassador and advisor Dr. Bill Tai and chief operating officer Marc van Hoof

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